What is Tachyons? We all know that nothing can be faster than light, maybe in future scientist will find anything which will be the faster than light and that will be the TACHYONS. Tachyons are the particles which existed only in the theory. And according to some physists getting these TACHYONS chances are very less. TACHYONS means "those particles which are faster than light", are the hypothetical subatomic particles which are always greater than the light. The idea of that particles which are faster than the light is given by 3 INDIAN SCIENTIST: 1- O.M.P. Bilanuik 2- V.K. Deshpande 3- E.C.G Sudarshan and name given for that particles is "META-PARTICLES". But later a foreign scientist came in picture with the name "Particles which are faster than light" , these particles are named as TACHYONS. According to the Einstein theory of the special relativity speed of the light is the highest speed of the universe. And according to the so...
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