U sually when star like sun die means run out of fuel, will pull nearby asteroids and planets inward and crushed them and will create a disk of debris that surrounds the planet. But this is first planet that made the whole journey intact. NASA researchers announced last week that they have discovered a planet orbiting a white dwarf star and that is confirmed by NASA's satellite TESS ( Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite ) and Spitzer Space Telescope . Planet named WD 1856 b orbiting a small white dwarf star ( WD 1856 ) which is 80 light years away from Earth in Draco Constellation. The planet WD 1856 b, is a gas giant roughly the size of Jupiter and carry 14 time more mass from Jupiter. Star containing sun's half mass and size slightly larger than earth. According to NASA, it circles the star very closely and makes a complete orbit about every 34 hours. Vanderburg says in the NASA statement "WD 1856 b got very close to its white dwarf and managed to stay in one piece...
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